
Founded and funded by the generosity of the community, St. Vincent de Paul works to feed, clothe, house and heal people in need. Join us to support and lift up our most vulnerable neighbors. 


Earn a dollar-for-dollar credit back on your state taxes, up to $938


Give essential help. Get your tax credit.

Current Campaigns

Take advantage of the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit

The state of Arizona provides an incredible incentive for taxpayers who donate to certain qualifying charities like St. Vincent de Paul. Thanks to the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit, you can donate up to $938 and get it right back on your Arizona tax return.

Donate today and make a greater impact than you could ever imagine.

Give by April 15 to take advantage of the 2024 Arizona Charitable Tax Credit when you file your state taxes.

Donate Now

Other Ways to Get Involved

Host a drive

Whether at your school, church or workplace, you can host a drive to help us collect food, clothing and essential items. We make it easy! Simply fill out the interest form and we'll coordinate dates to drop off donation bins and pick up when you are done. 

Sign up today

Claim Your Tax Credit

Earn a dollar-for-dollar Arizona State Tax Credit up to $938!

Choose an amount:
Housing 2025
Our community is experiencing a homelessness crisis. By the end of the year, St. Vincent de Paul will prevent homelessness for 12 people for every one person it rehouses who was experiencing homelessness.
Bill Move