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Our volunteers are pretty "Hands On"

Hands On Greater Phoenix got their hands dirty at SVdP's Key Campus Urban Farm

Pulling weeds, planting seeds, and repairing the chicken coup: These were major issues that needed to be addressed at SVdP's Key Campus Urban Farm in downtown Phoenix. Thanks in large part to volunteers from “Hands On Greater Phoenix” those issues have been properly addressed.

“Hands On does things like this daily”, said LaHayla Curiel, volunteer coordinator for the organization. “This location is unique. It provides a lot of different projects to get involved in helping the community. Planting seeds and seeing how it grows before eventually being put on tables for families to eat is exciting and rewarding”, she added.

The staff at the SVdP Urban Farm rely on volunteers to help with their mission of providing fresh produce and eggs to feed needy families in our community.

“Hands On is so vital to all that we need to get done here at the farm, Tami Miller, Urban Farm staff member said. "It’s an organic-based farm. There are no shortcuts. We garden the healthy way, with more effort.  As a result we have excellent produce”.

By the end of the day, the farm had a repaired chicken coup and a fresh new crop of vegetables planted. It simply doesn’t get much better than that on the farm.

Get involved

There are hundreds of other opportunities to make a difference everyday, from the urban farm, to the central kitchen, to the comfort of your own home.