The 2014 Restoring Hope Breakfast

This morning, we had over 1,500 people attend our Restoring Hope Breakfast at the Arizona Biltmore. It was a special event.

Not just because we raised crucial funding to help our neighbors in need. Not just because we shared a morning in our busy lives to be present for each other. 
It was special because you could feel the growth of our community, our movement to feed, clothe, house, and heal, deeply and meaningfully. With every new relationship we begin, new possibilities take root.

You helped grow Olivia’s dreams. She lost everything following a series of unfortunate events, but through a relationship with St. Vincent de Paul, gained support for her remarkable children and is on the path toward a new career.

You helped grow Marcelino’s future. After discovering the St. Vincent de Paul One-at-a-Time program, he became the first person in his family to get a college degree.

We at St. Vincent de Paul believe that there is amazing potential in all of us, waiting to be cultivated. With your help, we can feed the soil of promise in 2015.

We’d like to thank those who attended this year. If you were not able to attend, you can still donate today. Next year’s breakfast will be Nov. 20, 2015. Email [email protected] if you’d like to attend.

May God bless you for your love and kindness during this special season and throughout the coming year. Thank you again for ALL that you make possible.

Thank you for your support!