The Society of St. Vincent de Paul

tax credit

Their joy is priceless.
Your donation is free.

Give by April 15 and get credit on your 2024 taxes!

Donate to Feed a Hungry Neighbor Today

Give today to help us provide hot, nourishing meals for our hungry neighbors.

Serving Arizona, United by Hope.

Powerful programs and passionate volunteers throughout Central and Northern Arizona are united by the common purpose of bringing compassionate help and crucial services to individuals and families in need.

Our Work

Housing 2025
Our community is experiencing a homelessness crisis. By the end of the year, St. Vincent de Paul will prevent homelessness for 12 people for every one person it rehouses who was experiencing homelessness.
Bill Move

Thrift Stores

Our thrift stores bring donated clothing and household items to new homes.

Shop at at thrift store

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Get Help

If you or someone you know is in need of food, clothing, shelter, health care, or other assistance, find help through one of SVdP's programs or partner organizations.

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