After achieving our rehousing goal well before 2025, the St. Vincent de Paul team sat down to craft a new goal that stretches us to have our greatest impact yet on alleviating homelessness in the community before the end of the year.
St. Vincent de Paul will prevent homelessness for 12 people for every one person it rehouses who was experiencing homelessness.
The goal is a response to a Maricopa County homelessness trend where more people are entering homelessness than are exiting. According to a report from Maricopa Association of Governments, for every 10 people rehoused, approximately 19 people enter into homelessness (roughly a one to two ratio).
“St. Vincent de Paul’s 12:1 ratio focused on homelessness prevention challenges ourselves to do what we can to reverse the rising trend of homelessness that service agencies are seeing in the community. We realize that goal may be eye-raising, but the need is eye-raising. With our network throughout central and northern Arizona, we are ready for the challenge.” SVdP’s Chief Program Officer Jessica Berg says.
Subscribe to SVdP's monthly Housing 2025 newsletter to get updates on our goal, stories from individuals and families, information about efforts to curb homelessness around Arizona, how you can help, and much more.

When you sign up, you'll immediately receive a printable PDF of our Need a Hand Card. This card lists the programs available to homeless individuals, including the locations and hours of SVdP’s four Valley-wide dining rooms. It's easy to keep on hand in your car and hand out with a water bottle and granola bar when you see someone in need.