A whopping total for our one-day bike drive!

2020 Second Chance Bike Drive with ABC15 and Earnhardt Auto Centers was a big success

When St. Vincent de Paul, ABC15 and Earnhardt Auto Centers first heard the total number of bikes donated for their 2020 Second Chance Bike Drive, the partners' jaws dropped. The grand total came to 1,207 bikes! Even more impressive, the majority of bikes were collected in a SINGLE day on Sept. 26. That was the big drop-off day when friends, family and neighbors donated their old and new bikes at Earnhardt dealerships across the Valley.

"This is just a bright spot during a tough year," Community Drives Manager Emily Radawec said. "A big thanks goes out to all the Arizonans who offered up their bicycles to help people in need. So many adults and children now have two wheels to look forward to thanks to our generous community."

With so many bikes, SVdP had to store them in its overflow warehouse, which currently stores what staff has been calling, "the sea of bikes." ABC15 came down to take a look at the sea of bikes with SVdP Associate Executive Director Shannon Clancy.

The bike donations are currently being processed through SVdP's Bike Shop at the nonprofit's main campus, where they've been repairing bikes for nearly 10 years. Bikes from the drive will be distributed through SVdP's Dream Center for children, transitional shelter, and Resource Center for people experiencing homelessness. The bikes are typically given to people who need a low-cost form of transportation to get to work, school and run errands. Over the holiday season, children’s bikes may be provided to young dining room guests who achieve academic goals at school. 

In addition to providing bikes to people in need, the bike shop also gives residents the opportunity to volunteer in the shop and refurbish bikes to be sold at SVdP’s thrift stores. The funding generated through the sales of bikes go directly to support SVdP’s programs and service. 

Because of this tremendous outcome, the SVdP Bike Shop needs volunteers now more than ever! Can you spare some time for a socially-distance volunteer opportunity in the shop? If you're mechanically inclined, please consider this limited in-person volunteer opportunity.

  • Shop hours are weekdays 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
  • 3-hour minimum shift and some training required
  • Age: 14 years old with an adult and 16 years old on their own
  • Location: SVdP main campus in South Phoenix

New volunteers, please register at stvincentdepaul.net/volunteer-form.

Returning volunteers, please contact us at [email protected] or 602-261-6886.


Missed out on the drive? You can always drop off your bike at 2120 S. 3rd Dr. Or if you'd rather, you can still contribute monetarily to help us purchase helmets, bike locks, tires, tubes and all the things that will help us get these bikes and their new owners back on the road safely!