Give water to save lives this summer!
In the summer months, St. Vincent de Paul will give out 6,500 bottles of water a day to those who seek services and refuge at the nonprofit during Arizona’s most grueling season. That's 45,000 every week or 6,000 gallons weekly.
That water doesn't magically appear. Sometimes SVdP buys it in a bulk. Just one week of water costs the nonprofit more than $4,200 a week.
But other times community partners like ABC15, Bashas’ and Food City step up to help us meet this basic but critical need. They are teaming up again this year for the ABC15 Water Drive from May 31 to June 30 benefitting SVdP.
How to Donate:
- Online any time at stvincentdepaul.net/water.
- At the register of your local Bashas’ or Food City throughout the month of June.
- Donate cases of water at SVdP thrift store locations.
- Call to give via the phone bank airing June 19 on ABC15.
$10 = 68 bottles
$25 = 170 bottles
$50 = 340 bottles
$100 = 680 bottles
All monetary donations will go toward purchasing water for SVdP guests.
Without the water donations on which SVdP water relief depends, people in need risk dehydration or worse – heat related illness that can quickly turn deadly. In 2023, Maricopa County recorded more than 645 heat-related deaths, a 52% increase from 2022, 45% of whom were people experiencing homelessness.
"As we enter the hot summer months, we reflect on the increased need, not only for water, but for dignified shelter and wraparound services to help people end their homelessness. We are also anticipating increased requests for homelessness prevention assistance for those who are housed, but one missed paycheck away from eviction," said Shannon Clancy, SVdP's Rob & Melani Endowed CEO. "The ABC15 Water Drive is so much more than water. We are saving lives and connecting those in need to resources and support. Please consider supporting your neighbors through the ABC15 Water Drive, alongside Bashas' and Food City. It officially kicks off our 100 Days of Summer campaign, calling on all Arizonans to do what they can to support one another. Every caring heart, every donation, each moment of compassion will count during the difficult summer season."
"Arizona summer heat is here and staying hydrated is indispensable. St. Vincent de Paul is at the forefront of providing clean, and many times life-saving water to communities across Arizona." said Steve Mayer, president of Bashas' Family of Stores. "We are committed to supporting these water relief efforts by collecting monetary donations at our registers, 100% of which will go directly to aid St. Vincent de Paul and support individuals and families across our state."
Last year the ABC15 Water Drive topped one million bottles of life-saving water. Help us cover the entire heat season again, and keep people alive.