Join M3F Festival in collecting jeans to help clothe Valley individuals experiencing homelessness
Jeans are one of the most common needs for the vulnerable population St. Vincent de Paul serves, which is why M3F Festival is hosting its first-ever jeans drive for the nonprofit throughout the month of February leading up to their musical festival March 1 and 2.
To fuel the drive, M3F is also providing a $10,000 matching gift challenge for those wanting to make a monetary donation to the drive. Those who donate by Feb. 24, will be entered to win a pair of general admission tickets to M3F 2024. Click here to donate.
"M3F is excited to announce our collaboration with St. Vincent de Paul”, says Rachel Blanchard, Manager at M3F. “Committed to prioritizing the community's well-being, St. Vincent de Paul consistently places the needs of others at the forefront. As winter approaches, the vulnerable community in Arizona requires essential items, particularly jeans. M3F is dedicated to reaching out to the community, meeting them at their point of need, and offering assistance wherever possible. Our upcoming jean drive is an opportunity for our community to unite in generosity, contributing to make a meaningful impact in support of those who are in need."
Every month, SVdP needs 12,000 pairs of jeans for individuals experiencing homelessness served through the nonprofit’s three transitional shelters and four charity dining rooms. That’s more than 144,000 pairs a year!
“Jeans are such an essential item to care for the people we serve, keeping them warm in the winter and protected from the Arizona sun during the summers,” says Julia Matthies, SVdP Associate Chief Program Officer. “And the beauty is that at SVdP, it’s not just about clothing people. We also provide all the wraparound services individuals need to find their way off the street, out of shelter and into housing.”
Being such a useful and critical clothing item to survive, it can be hard for SVdP to receive enough jeans through individual donations alone to meet demand.
That’s where M3F is stepping up to help fill the gap for this critical item for some of the Valley’s most vulnerable.
Together, M3F and SVdP are asking the community, especially lovers of M3F Fest, to donate new or gently used jeans. There are multiple opportunities to participate in the drive.
Drop jeans off at:
- First Friday, Feb. 2, from 6:00-11:00 p.m. at 333 E Roosevelt St, Phoenix, AZ 85004
- M3F Festival entrance, March 1-2 at Steele Indian School Park
- All month long at SVdP Phoenix Metro thrift store locations listed here: stvincentdepaul.net/thrift-stores
- Partnering to help the cause is clothing store Rave Camp, which will accept jean donations all month long for the M3F drive at 1829 N Scottsdale Rd, Tempe, AZ 85288.