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Hope is a Morning Spent Together

Reflecting Hope gathers SVdP family virtually to celebrate community

While our Reflecting Hope event was not a fundraiser, thanks to a special group of supporters a $500,000 matching gift will match all gifts made to St. Vincent de Paul through the end of the year. Give today to have your gift doubled.

In the morning hours of Nov. 20 nearly 1,000 people from scattered distances logged into their devices to start their day with hope — specifically, Reflecting Hope, the virtual community gathering St. Vincent de Paul held this year.

The virtual event continued SVdP’s longstanding tradition of gathering its community the Friday before Thanksgiving, despite the challenges presented by the pandemic. While people couldn’t share breakfast at the Phoenician for the nonprofit’s usual Restoring Hope fundraiser, human connection was abundant.

The program, hosted by 12News Anchor Mark Curtis, showcased community and the tremendous compassion and love at work in Arizona, especially through SVdP’s response to the pandemic. It also went in-depth into one family’s assistance story.

Even through a virtual platform, the air crackled with love and connection, infused by a strong belief in humanity’s goodness, especially during the planned shared experience — a Hope Box — mailed to every person who registered. Together at distance, the SVdP family carefully opened their Hope Boxes to learn of the special gift inside — a single note card with paid postage to be sent with gratitude to someone who gave hope OR as an expression of  love and gratitude to someone who gave hope OR to be sent to someone in need of hope as an expression of love and encouragement.

“In our world of electronic communications, perhaps there is no more powerful way to express our deepest sentiments than in a handwritten note,” Associate CEO Shannon Clancy said. “When you send that note out in the world, you are adding your reflections of hope to all the members of the SVdP family who are doing this alongside you.”

The event all transpired in 30 minutes, but the spirit of hope felt afire afterward and lived on in the weeks following every time a person opened their mailbox to an unexpected note of hope, encouragement and great love.

Missed the event? Experience the Reflecting Hope virtual community gathering at:

Need a Hope Box or have a story to share? Email us at [email protected].