Kenneth with his new bike.

With his bike, Kenneth Gutierrez maintains employment and progress

A former shelter resident uses his bike to get to work and maintain the stability he's gained after graduating into his own housing.

Kenneth Gutierrez, 63, is a resident at Ozanam Manor, St. Vincent de Paul's transitional housing program that offers 60 beds to seniors, veterans and adults living with disabilities who are experiencing homelessness. During his stay at Ozanam Manor, Kenneth had one goal in mind: Find stability in his life.

After being released from prison, he struggled to get back on his feet, but at Ozanam Manor he found the support he needed from staff and his fellow residents. He has had access to a warm bed, food, resources and SVdP’s Workforce Opportunities Program

Kenneth walks his bike down the hall.

As part of the workforce program, Kenneth joined the Neighborhood Brigade, where residents from Ozanam Manor and SVdP's other interim housing communities are offered low-barrier employment opportunities and are paid a fair hourly wage to help with street and campus cleaning. Getting used to having a schedule and other responsibilities that come with the brigade position, Kenneth felt ready to apply for a job when he found one that he felt he was a good fit, and most importantly he felt passionate about.

That’s when he applied to be a service coordinator at De Paul Manor, the new 100-bed transitional housing SVdP opened in August 2024 for seniors and adults living with a disabilities. It's modeled off of Ozanam Manor and the program from which Kenneth benefitted.

“I have lived here for a year already. I understand the needs of the residents and I love helping others, so I believe I was a good fit for the position,” said Kenneth proudly.

He got the position.

Kenneth rides his bike down a street.

More good news came after accepting the position, he would be moving to his very own apartment. Now that he’s ready to live independently, Ozanam Manor social workers referred him to SVdP’ s Bike Shop for Kenneth to get a bike to be able to travel from his apartment to his new job. 

“It’s exciting to know I will be able to go to work with no problem. I just need to wear my backpack, ride my bike for a few minutes, and then I’m at work,” Kenneth said. 

Kenneth graduated from Ozanam Manor's program and moved out in August. He's since been steadily working as a service coordinator at De Paul Manor. And thanks to his bike, he's held down his job and is on the road to a brighter future. 

Get a bike to someone in need

Your donation helps SVdP's Bike Shop repair donated wheels to get them back on the road and into the hands of a working adult or school-age child in need of reliable transportation.

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