Angels on Call Holiday Match | -
Help keep families in their home this holiday season!
In 2024, Arizona hit a record number of annual evictions.
For many families, bumps in the road (being out of work due to health or a hefty car bill) create major financial challenges. This leads to the choice between going to the doctor or fixing the car or paying rent.
When SVdP confirms that the family can be stable after one-time or short-term financial support, a case manager agrees to pay a month of rent. On average, that is about $1,700 per family, per month.
We do a lot of this homelessness prevention work through our Angels on Call program, which offers donors or ‘Angels’ the opportunity to know the exact family their donation helps when they give to the Angels on Call program.
Through the program, we share the stories with you of the children and the families who you’re saving from homelessness. And at SVdP, we know that preventing homelessness is significantly better and less expensive compared to the alternative of allowing families to get evicted.
Many of these evictions include children, whose families now have nowhere to go. We’ve started to ask ourselves: What do kids in Arizona deserve?
This is your chance to help. For every dollar you provide, it will be matched by Penske Automotive Group…and then again by Challenge for Charity—an important double match, up to $100,000, to help families stay together and in their homes!
Will you be a holiday Angel and support one family today? Your gift is eligible for the Arizona qualifying charitable organization tax credit, which is $938 for joint filers. And that gift goes a long way to supporting one family to stay in their home for the holidays!
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Angels on Call Holiday Match | -
Help keep families in their home this holiday season!
In 2024, Arizona hit a record number of annual evictions.
For many families, bumps in the road (being out of work due to health or a hefty car bill) create major financial challenges. This leads to the choice between going to the doctor or fixing the car or paying rent.
When SVdP confirms that the family can be stable after one-time or short-term financial support, a case manager agrees to pay a month of rent. On average, that is about $1,700 per family, per month.
We do a lot of this homelessness prevention work through our Angels on Call program, which offers donors or ‘Angels’ the opportunity to know the exact family their donation helps when they give to the Angels on Call program.
Through the program, we share the stories with you of the children and the families who you’re saving from homelessness. And at SVdP, we know that preventing homelessness is significantly better and less expensive compared to the alternative of allowing families to get evicted.
Many of these evictions include children, whose families now have nowhere to go. We’ve started to ask ourselves: What do kids in Arizona deserve?
This is your chance to help. For every dollar you provide, it will be matched by Penske Automotive Group…and then again by Challenge for Charity—an important double match, up to $100,000, to help families stay together and in their homes!
Will you be a holiday Angel and support one family today? Your gift is eligible for the Arizona qualifying charitable organization tax credit, which is $938 for joint filers. And that gift goes a long way to supporting one family to stay in their home for the holidays!