Flagstaff Thrift Store Exterior
Arizona Charitable Tax Credit Supporting Flagstaff

Flagstaff San Francisco de Asis Conference

St. Vincent de Paul volunteers serve neighbors in need. The San Francisco de Asis Conference provides services and community outreach programs throughout the greater Flagstaff area.

“No Act of Charity is foreign to The Society of St. Vincent de Paul”

Use your 2023 Arizona Charitable Tax Credit of up to $841 to make a donation and help SVdP continue making a difference in OUR Flagstaff community. 

Donations made for the 2023 Arizona Income Tax Returns can be up to $841 for joint filers and $421 for single filers. The new maximum amount that can be claimed on the 2024 Arizona Income Tax Return is $938 for joint filers and $470 for single filers. Learn more about this change.

Help us Feed. Clothe. House. Heal.

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Your donation, whether big or small, supports vital services to feed, clothe, house and heal the most vulnerable neighbors across central and northern Arizona.

Your Donation

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Tribute Gift

This donation is made in memory of:

This donation is made in honor of:

Please provide us with the contact information for the individual(s) who should receive notification. They will receive your note by email now OR include their street address if you would like us to mail a card to them.


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Optional: Choose below if you'd like to designate your gift to a specific fund.


Employer Match

Find out if your employer has a matching gift program at no cost to you:
Services Available:
  • Monthly Food Bags
  • Prescription Assistance
  • Toiletries and Diapers
  • Clothing Vouchers
  • Laundry Soap and Dish Soap
  • Home Goods Vouchers
  • Utility Assistance
  • Educational Systemic Change
  • Housing Assistance
  • Spiritual Aid

Fiscal 2023 Statistics
In Kind Value of Goods & Services Provided:

Food - $92,585
Furniture - $2,129
Clothing - $5,982
Other Goods - $87,689
Other Services - $1,320
Total - $189,705


Pantry food - $23,074
Shelter - $118,420
Utilities - $53,286
Medical/Dental - $4,034
Transportation - $40,692
Other - $19,235
Total - $258,741

People Served Last Year: 4,639 with $448,446 of assistance

[email protected] 

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